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Legal & Compliance
Documents Pertaining to Smart Vega Holding Limited - Seychelles (BIT's Global Platform)
Key Information and Disclosures Pertaining to BIT Exchange MENA FZE (BIT's Dubai Exchange Platform, licensed and regulated by VARA)
Regulatory Information and Disclosures
Disclosure of License Details and Authorized VA Activities:
BIT Exchange MENA FZE is licensed in Dubai by the Dubai Virtual Assets Regulatory Authority (VARA) as a Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) for FMP operations in respect to Virtual Asset Exchange Services.
Disclosure of Responsible Individuals
BIT Exchange MENA FZE’s designated Responsible Individuals are:
Mr. Justin Buitendam, Chief Commercial Officer
Mr. Hamza Reza, Compliance Officer & MLRO
Risk Disclosure Statement
Trading virtual assets involves substantial risk. Prices can be highly volatile, and you may not recoup your initial investment. It's essential to consider whether trading aligns with your financial circumstances and risk tolerance. You could sustain a total loss of funds. Past performance does not guarantee future results. You are solely responsible for your investment decisions, and BIT Exchange MENA FZE or its affiliates are not liable for any losses incurred.